Sifter Cum Mill

Sifter Cum Mill
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A perfect combination of sifting and milling, the equipment was conceived to prevent handling of powder between separate sifting and milling operations. The separation of  coarse and fine product size happens in the sifting chamber. The fine powder falls into the main discharge port, while the coarse particles proceed to the adjacent milling chamber. These particles are further broken into fines, which flows to the main discharge port, thus attaining the uniform product size. The SS 316 sieves present in the sifting and milling chamber actually determines the final product size.

 Quite extensively used in applications of continuous batch size.

 Salient Features : -

  •  Air purging interlocks provided at the shaft entry of the sifting and milling chambers.
  • Pneumatic limit switches provided to ensure proper closing of the lids.
  • Inflatable gaskets provided at the interface of the respective chambers to ensure no leakages of the powder particles into the surroundings.
  • AC frequency drives provided for 400 Kg / Hr. Sifter Cum Mill  regulating the sifting and milling speed respectively based upon the validation procedures.




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